Citizens Advice - https://waverleycab.org.uk/. General self-help source https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/. Help to Claim 0808 2787 980. Help to complete initial Universal Credit application, Debt, Employment issues, Scams 0344 848 7969. The system may ask you to leave a message. An advisor will call you back.
Emergency - Ambulance, Fire, Police - 999
Non-emergency - 101 for Police, 111 NHS
Samaritans - 116123
Childline - 0800 11 11
Mental Health Crisis Line - Surrey 0800 915 4644, Text: 07717 989024, Textphone 18001 0800 915 4644
National Centre for Domestic Violence - 0800 970 2070. 0207 186 8270 Can help with an injunction within 24 hours if required
Domestic Abuse (24hr) - 0808 20000 247
South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Team - 01483 898 884. Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. 24 hour answerphone. swr@swsda.org.uk
Your Sanctuary - 01483 776822. 9am - 9pm. 7 days a week. Online chat and advice about where to go in an emergency.
National Men’s Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0808 8010 327
LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 999 5428. Mon - Fri 10am – 5pm
Relationship Counselling - www.relate.org.uk/
Parenting Advice - familylives.org.uk
Bereavement Cruse - 0808 808 1677
Drug & Alcohol (Surrey) - 0300 222 5932
Support in a Crisis - Shout Text - Shout to 85258
Age UK Surrey - Help at home services. Befriend service. Benefit entitlement checks. 01483 503414. Enquiries@ageuksurrey.org.uk
Carers Support - Surrey 0303 040 1234. SMS 07714 075993
Homelessness - StreetLink 0300 500 0914
Shelter - 0808 800 444
MANKIND - 01823 334244. Mon - Fri. 10am – 4pm
Help in Elstead - Collecting prescriptions / medicines - 01252 702702 (10am - midday)
Help in Thursley - Food drop off service - 07538 201276
National Debtline - 0808 808 4000 www.nationaldebtline.org CAP – Christians against Poverty
Elstead Emergency Response - A support group to assist the vulnerable residents who are having to self isolate, providing help with picking up shopping, posting mail, urgent supplies, a friendly phone call. 01252 411745. Email: epceer@gmail.com. Available Mon to Sat (10am to 4pm) for an immediate response for help or click here.
Care in Haslemere - Transporting people to medical appointments. 01483 652505 (10am - 4pm)
Waverley Community Support Helpline - Help with shopping, collecting prescriptions and befriending services - 01483 523054 Available Monday to Friday (9am-5pm), Saturday and Sunday (10am-2pm)
Local Clergy and Churches Together Representatives: Revd Hannah Moore - rector@parishesofETSPH.org 01252 705 941. Revd Delia Orme - minister@parishesofETSPH.org 01252 702217. Revd Michael Hopkins- michael@spirechurchfarnham.org.uk. John Whitton - elsteadurc@gmail.com. Richard Grey- rcegrey@aol.com
Voluntary Action South West Surrey - Provide details on voluntary organisations. Provide volunteers to individuals and voluntary organisations - 01483 565456. Email: volunteercentresws@vasws.org.uk.
National Stalking Helpline Suzy Lamplugh Trust - 0808 802 0300